Yesterday was spent doing various odd jobs. Helped Niel pick up a golf cart that he will be working on. Then Niels girlfriend family (all 15 of them ) showed up at the House for a barbeque and pool party. It was all great fun and I was enrolled to give everyone a ride on the fancy German Bike.
This morning I got up at 6 am and rode out to Punta Chamie. It was 80 degrees and a beautiful sunny morning to ride about 10 miles out on this beautiful penisula jutting into the Pacific Ocean. I found a great new Hotel there and had breakfast. It was really nice that I met a number of Columbian and Panamanian people on a holiday. One man, Cesar, from Columbia, was particularly friendly and offered me a cigar after breakfast. Which I smoked during a nice geopolitical discussion. He felt also that Obamas acceptance speech comments about justifying the wars was a complete dissapointment for the world. The evil military Industrial Complex wins again. He has house in Columbia and I may very well take him up on an offer of assistance when my next trip takes me to the SOUTH of here. They also all invited me to a picnic at their place later today. I also met the owners of the new Hotel and found 2 new projects for Niels Granite Business. I may return this afternoon with Niel and some samples. (I still cannot resist the temptation to sell something!!!!...and to pay my way!!!)
They also suggested the possibility of shipping the bike to Miami as there are many open sea containers going that way. That would greatly simplify my return. My other option is to ride up to Costa Rica, there is a guy there that wants to buy the bike. Options, options!!!! I did hear that it is 10 degrees this morning at my house, so I am thinking that I will not rush into any decision soon!!!
I am always amazed in my travels at the level of hospitality you find. People always are interested to hear your story and exchange ideas. I think this is the real majic of getting out in the world. Out from behind those walls we put up in the name of safety!!!