After reviewing the options, I have basically decided to ride the Bike back to Tuscan Arizona and leave it with my Uncle. Then I will fly home, and return in the spring for a ride up through the Rocky Mountains and back home.
I left Niels place a few days ago and rode out to Bouquete Panama. It was voted the number one place to retire in 2006....thats what I was told. It was a very nice place. The next day I headed out to the East to the coastal islands of Boca Del Torre. That was an increadibly beautiful ride. Boca Del Torre seemed to be a hippy type place and there seemed to be many unscrupoulos characters. So I decided to continue along the Coast to the North and across the Border to Costa Rica. The border crossing was quite crude. They have a one lane bridge from the 1940s that only one vehicle at a time can cross. Even large Tour busses cross, but all the passengers must walk!! The paperwork was so easy compared to doing the busines at the main border in Canoes Frontera. From there I headed North to a pleasant village next to a Costa Rica Provincial Park.
Stayed at another $15 Hotel...very nice for the price. In the morning I walk the nature trail along the coast and saw 100s of monkeys. One mother came right up to me to show here small baby holding onto her stomach. The area really looked like a scene from Robinson Carusoe. The walk was about 5 miles and I was ready for breakfast!
I left there to Limon, a large port city that was very industrous with lots of busy people. It was clean and the people were nice. Many vendors around selling bananas, pinapples, and other things. It made Detroit seem like a hopeless ghost town!!! I asked a taxi driver where I could find a place to wash the bike. I followed him to a car wash place and the guys there washed it for 3$. Those guys really were up on the news about America!! They wanted to know when the US economy would recover and what I thought of G. Bush. I did give them my opinion that the decade was a lost opportunity for our Country. Thanks to GW Bush, Dick Chenny, and that intellectual monster Karl Rove.
I left Limon and rode up the mountain range toward San Jose and checked into the You can see their website and it has to be the most beautiful place. An active volcano that recently made international news is visable right from the veranda!!!!!
Thanks for watching my BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!