The final section down from the hotel in CR is quite scenic going thru palm tree plantations and beautiful flora of all kinds. Again it looks like a planned garden environment in an episode of Lost in Space! I did catch a view of the local palm oil factory which explained alot about the plantations. I think that oil is very unhealthy, but will have to check into it!
We had a great "helper" at the Panamanian Border this morning. The final negotiation with him for his fee...he spent 2 hours with us, went nicely, in my opinion. Again, John, took one of his (in his mind) "principled stands" and refused to pay the $10/person. He offered to pay the man $5 and the guy cursed him and told him to put his $10 where the sun didn't shine. It was funny because most of the time these folks are forced to take what they can beg. My view is that in the end you want to be fair and make people feel okay. When you are traveling the world you are an ambassador of your country.
The ride down thru northern Panama was boring after what ours eyes have seen. Of course I met another of my Policemen friends and another $200 speeding ticket. This cop must be the only one in Central America that has a radar gun!! Anyway, just one of the small sacrifices made by the leader of the pack! Of course safety in the middle is cheaper but less scenic!.
My rear end is sore after approximately 4400 miles and 7 border crossings in 17 days. I need to take a few days to relax and decide on my plans to get back home. I really miss my little dog Foey, but I know he is well and that it is 20 degrees at my house. As usual, it is forecast to be 92 and sunny here.
My 2 friends are making arraingements in the morning to airship their bikes to Bogata. Remember that the PanAm highway does not go thru the Darrien Gap. I'll wish them well and thank them for all the memories! They are already talking about riding the "Road of Bones" from Europe across Siberia to Alaska!!!!!
I'll work on the blog a bit in the next few days to patch it up a bit!!